Tuesday 2 June 2020

My Mandala Experience [With Images]


During the time of Covid19 Pandemic, the cases were increasing rapidly. So, a lock down had been declared. It had affected and changed people's lives everywhere. 

My life also witnessed some changes. My normal days which used to start at 5 am, following classes till 2 pm and then doing assignments was now all changed. 
Now, I  didn't have to wake up early in the morning and rush towards my college or had to worry about the assignments that were pending. Everything was going easy and fun.
Time spent binge-watching movies/series and chilling in bed.

Eat -  Sleep -  Repeat had become my new life.

But as the saying goes, 'Too much of anything isn't good'. It started getting boring and not only that, seeing some of my friends try and learn new things made me realize how I was comfortably wasting my time and opportunity.

I also wanted to try something new but being a person who had minimal talent and knowledge of Arts and Music. It was quite difficult to find something to work on.

Then, one day I stumbled upon a Mandala Tutorial Video.

After watching this video, I got some motivation to make one myself and gave it a try. But what happened might sound funny but yes it happened. I wasn't able to make a proper circle by even using a compass. As being a bachelors student and for someone who used compass for all these years, it was quite humiliating so I decided to quit it.

But again a thought came in my mind, "What is life without mistakes and what's the fun if you can't learn and experience something new?". 
So I went to YouTube to seek some help. Thankfully, I found a video and I started practicing it for a while. After learning that I began my short but fun journey with Mandala.


Mandala is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to mean “circle” or “center.” We often associate the word mandala with the circular designs that have repeating colors, shapes, and patterns radiating from the center. Mandalas can be precise, carefully measured, geometric, and perfectly symmetrical, or in contrast, free flowing, organic, and asymmetrical. 
When creating mandalas for personal enjoyment and reflection, there are no rules.
One can draw symmetrical patterns or fill the circle with shapes and colors in any way. It is entirely up to the person drawing the mandala to decide.
{Credit: For the perfect definition of Mandala.}

As for some personal experience, I would like to thank Perfect CircleMandalala.sha, and some of my close friends whom and whose work I admire. 

Materials used: 

  1. A4 size paper.
  2. Compass for making a circle.
  3. Pen: For designing mandala there are different types of pen available in the stores. But since, the lock down had already began so I couldn't get one so for that I used a simple black colored Techno Tip Pen 
  4. Pencil: For making the art, I used a simple Doms Pencil which can be easily available in your stationery nearby. Some of the other basic materials I used were Eraser, Sharper, a long Scale and Protractor. 

Journey with Mandala:

The day when it all began: On the day of 25th March 2020, I completed my first mandala. It was my first work so this was a very special and important art for me. 
First Mandala
26th March 2020: I completed my second mandala. I took the picture with my laptop which concept was inspired from one of my close friend.
With My Laptop

31st March 2020: This day I completed my another mandala. The concept was of a flower which was blossoming very elegantly.

A elegant flower

{Due to some online classes, guest lectures and assignments, I got busy and couldn't work on more mandala and had to take a break}

28th May 2020: This time I thought of adding new things and trying something new. As I have already mentioned I'm not good at arts so my drawing isn't good. Hence, before completing this mandala I spent most of my time trying to work and improve my drawing.


I tried to draw a character from the Japanese animated fantasy film, 'Spirited Away'. 

30th May 2020: One of my close friend shared me her mandala of Gautama Buddha which inspired me to make it on my own too. I knew it wouldn't be as good as hers but still I wanted to give it a shot. So, I decided to make it so I went with my personal favorite Shree Ganesha.
Shree Ganesha

6th Jun 2020: This mandala was inspired from a Reddit post. I couldn't make as good as it but still gave it a try.
First use of protractor

8th June 2020: Attempt of making a black & white colored mandala.
Black & White

15th June 2020: A childish mandala by using crayon colors of my 2 y/o neighbor kid.
With using crayons


One thing that I learned during the making of a mandala is how a small mistake can have a huge impact in the bigger picture. There were many times when I had to redo everything just because I got careless in certain time and area. So, it taught me patience and concentration.

Nevertheless its very fun and enjoyable so I'd definitely recommend you to try it too.
I'm sure you wouldn't regret your decision.